© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index

The "© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index" of referralbrotherhood.com technically measures the uptrend or downtrend of the cryptocurrency market.

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Fact Sheet: "© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index Makes Investor Walk A Bright Path Instead of a Dark Path."{alertSuccess}

Hello. For a long time, it has been approximately 12 years, I have been following the crypto money ecosystem and I have been buying and selling for more than 5 years. I gathered information about Technical and Fundamental analysis and received training on them.

I have mathematical studies on technical indicators and Fibonacci numbers, and I made new discoveries on technical indicators and Fibonacci numbers. Some of my works are still in progress.

One of my works was to create the bull-bear index, which I have seen as a big gap in the crypto money market for a long time.{alertSuccess}

Generally, most You tubers or Traders avoid to say whether the current trend in the market is bullish or bearish. Because telling or knowing this is the hardest thing in this market. Some people, on the other hand, hesitate to share this information based on their knowledge or current perception, or they fear that their ignorance will come to light if they share it.

After long efforts and tests, I have finally finished my work.{alertSuccess}

Latest Updates

09.05.2022 / v.1.0 The first stable version has been released.

24.08.2022 / v.1.1 The algorithms in the indicator have been updated in accordance with the cryptocurrency markets.

25.09.2022 / v.1.2 The graphical interface and percentage slices of the index have been changed and the algorithms have been updated. The graph has been made simpler and more understandable. The relevant article has been updated.

25.12.2022 / v.1.3 The algorithms in the indicator have been updated in accordance with the cryptocurrency markets.

24.05.2023 / v.1.4 The indicator algorithms have been updated in accordance with the cryptocurrency markets.

25.08.2023 / The relevant article has been updated.

27.11.2023 / v.1.5 The indicator algorithms have been updated in accordance with the cryptocurrency markets.

25.03.2024 / The logo has been added to the graphical interface of the index and the license information has been updated.

22.09.2024 / The index license information has been updated.

20.02.2025 / The graphical interface of the index has been updated.


Why Is the Cryptocurrency Market © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index Measured?

The crypto market is a very volatile market. Sudden ups and downs occur. This inevitably causes investors to be under extreme psychological pressure. Because for the investor who does not know the direction of the market, it is like descending into a pit where you do not know the depth of the market. I'm trying to save you from your own emotional overreactions with the © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index.

There Are Three Simple Assumptions

Bull: Situations where investors are positive and greedy, and a general uptrend and overbought trend prevails.

Normal: Situations where traders are undecided about buying and selling, or when the market means it's time for a correction.

Bear: Situations where investors view the market negatively and fear dominates, and the idea of a general downtrend and oversold trend prevails.

How Does referralbrotherhood.com's © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index Work?

I have created some data by analyzing the work I have done and the algorithms I have added with percentiles, and I have analyzed the current sensitivity of the Bitcoin market and divided it into simple percentiles from -%15 to +%115.

By analyzing the current market conditions and building on certain algorithms, I have created the meanings of the © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index of the Cryptocurrency market at 7 different levels as follows.

Percentiles and © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index Meanings

-%15 / +%15 => Bearish Season

+%16 / +%49 => Bearish

+%51 / +%84 => Bullish

+%85 / +%115 => Bullish Season

With my daily analysis, I will try to constantly update the "© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index" as the market changes.{alertWarning}

How Do We Know If We're in a Bear or Bull Season According to referralbrotherhood.com's © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index?

This is probably the most pressing question. My purpose in discovering this index was already to answer this question. Friends, markets move in waves. So is the cryptocurrency market.

For example; When you look at the daily charts of Bitcoin, you can see that the color and level of the candles that close every day are different. Some candles made a decrease with red color and some candles made an increase with green color and closed the price.

Nothing will make a continuous upward or downward movement, of course, the price movements that we call correction will do. In general, investors make mistakes because they make wrong decisions at the wrong time due to these movements and they face sad results that result in losses. Now let's come to our crucial question, "Is the Cryptocurrency Market Bearish Season? Or Bull Season?" to answer the question.

I have divided the percentiles on the "© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index" that I have made into 7 separate sections as you can understand. Below, I will explain how you will understand what season the market is in with this index with 2 separate teaching steps.

Teaching 1. When We're In "Bullish Season"

In the bull season, the © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index continues to move within the 85% and 115% percentiles. This region is the " Bullish Season " region. The market continues its wave movement by making ups and downs. The mistake most investors make is that even though the market is in the bull season, they lose their faith on the days when the declines are hard and they get caught in the FOMO and close the trade with a loss. However, in the following days, the market continues to move upwards.

To summarize, the © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index percentiles fluctuate between 85% and 115% during the "Bullish Season".{alertSuccess}

Teaching 2. When We're In "Bearish Season"

During the bear season, the © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index continues to move within the -15% and 15% percentile values. This is the " Bearish Season " region. The market continues its wave movement by making ups and downs. The mistake most traders make is that even though the market is in the Bear season, they get greedy and overbought on FOMO and close trades with losses on subsequent declines. However, in the following days, the market continues to move with a decrease.

To summarize, the © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index percentiles fluctuate between -15% and 15% during the "Bearish Season".{alertSuccess}

Can I Buy or Sell Cryptocurrency Based on referralbrotherhood.com's © RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index?

First of all, what I write or draw here is not investment advice. I invented the "© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index" to be a light in the dark for Cryptocurrency investors and illuminate their way.

I would like to give you some small information about what you can do according to the percentiles of the "© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index" as an idea and education, without investment advice.

EXAMPLE 1: If the cryptocurrency market is in the " Bearish Season" percentile, the market has fallen sharply and investors are in fear.

In the media, newspapers and magazines, news channels, social media platforms such as Youtube and Twitter, people are not told that the "Bear Market" has passed. The "fake and deceptive news" that the bull market continues continues to spread.

But According to the "© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index", We Have Been Confirmed That We Have Entered a "Bearish Season".👍{alertSuccess}

Panic sales continue to increase. Bad market news keeps coming. At such times, smart investors start to collect the crypto money in their target by buying piecemeal.

EXAMPLE 2: In the Cryptocurrency market " Bullish Season " percentile, greed has increased in the market.

In the media, newspapers and magazines, news channels, social media platforms such as Youtube and Twitter, people are not told that the "Bull Market" has passed. "Fake and deceptive news" about the continuation of the bear market continues to spread.

But According to the "© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index", We Have Been Confirmed That We Have Entered a "Bullish Season".👍{alertSuccess}

Investors expect everything to rise even higher. The market is in a positive state and prices continue to move upwards. At such times, smart investors know that the market is a bull market. They wait for the rise of the cryptocurrencies they buy and realize their profits by selling the cryptocurrencies that reach their sales targets piecemeal.


In this article, I gave you information about my own invention, "© RB Crypto Bull vs Bear Index". By constantly following this index, you can be informed about the status of the upward or downward trend of the cryptocurrency market.

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Note: "All content on this website is copyrighted."

Referral Brotherhood

The author, who has been following the Blockchain Technologies and Cryptocurrency world since 2010, founded the "Referral Brotherhood" platform in 2021. Later, the platform grew and took on a global identity. The author, who loves Science, History and Astronomy, conducted mathematical studies on Fibonacci numbers and developed certain algorithms. In 2022, he discovered the application called "Crypto Bull vs Bear Index" and the first stable version of the application, V.1.0, was published on the "Referral Brotherhood" platform on 09.05.2022. In this way, he filled a big gap in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The author, who received training in web design and website management, SEO, SEM, Technical and Fundamental analysis, Blockchain technologies and digital marketing, is proficient in HTML and Pinescript programming languages. blogger

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